When Can Navigation Rules Be Overlooked

As a boat operator, knowing when can navigation rules be overlooked is important to help avoid some bad situations on the water.

A navigation rule can be overlooked to avoid casualties when boating.

When you make use of your boat, there are certain navigation rules you have to make sure that you adhere to.

But in some of the cases, these rules can be overlooked.

This is not intentionally disobeying the navigation rules without reasons.

This is done when there is a case that can lead to a casualty on the water.

In such an instance, you have to overlook the navigation rules to ensure safety on the water while using a boat.

When Can A Navigation Rule Be Overlooked

1) When a Possible Collision Can Occur

One of the rules of boat navigation states that if you are approaching another boat from its starboard (right) side, then you have the right of way.

This simply means that when you are driving a boat, if you are on the right hand side of another boat that is approaching, then you have the right of way.

In such a situation, you can keep up with the speed that you are using.

The other boat will have to reduce speed for you to finish passing before they can increase their speed and proceed on their journey.

But in some of the times, you might not see this from the other boat.

This is very common when a new person that does not really master the boat navigation rules is involved.

If you still want to proceed with your speed due to the fact that you have the right of way, there might be a collision.

That is why you have to make sure that you observe the actions of the other boat very carefully.

When the other boat is not moving according to the navigation rules, you have to use your intellect.

One of the times you will need to overlook navigation rules.

This is to make sure that you avoid collision with the other boat.

2) When There Is a Burning Boat Close To You

When can navigation rules be overlooked comes to play when another boat runs into a casualty when on a canal.

One of the rules of navigation when boating is that you have to reduce speed when you are boating on a waterway that has a narrow path.

This is to make sure that you avoid colliding with another boat on the canal.

But in some of the tomes you have to overlook this boat navigation rule.

This is when there is an instance where another boat on the narrow path is on fire.

If a boat that is on fire is approaching you when on a waterway that is very narrow behind, you have to increase speed to pass the boat on fire.

This should be done if the waterway path behind you is too narrow to effectively help you move away from the burning boat.

But if there is enough clearance, you can turn your boat to avoid contact with the burning boat.

3) When Facing Turbulent Water Waves

Another time when you can overlook navigation rules is when you are faced with a turbulent water waves.

A turbulent water wave is very dangerous for small boats.

This leads to a lot of damages when a small boat comes in contact with a water wave that is very turbulent.

At such times, the navigation rule can be overlooked to help the boat operator man over its way from the turbulent water wave.

But in doing this, make sure that you alert the other boats too by using a communication system to avoid a bad collision from taking place.

4) When Under An Attack

When making use of your boat, there are navigation rules that apply depending on the type of water body you are boating on.

When you are boating on a water body that is narrow, one of the navigation rules state that you have to make sure that you reduce the speed of your boat.

This is to make sure that you do not collide into another boat that may be stationary or moving.

But in some of the times, there can be someone pursuing you with another boat to steal from you.

In such a situation, you have to make sure that you save yourself.

This can be done by moving very far from them and the way to do this is by increasing the speed of your boat.

Due to the fact that you are on a narrow waterway, you have to make sure that you concentrate on any incoming boat to avoid collision while speeding on a narrow waterway.


When can navigation rules be overlooked always shows up in a lot of ways.

What you should know is that navigation rules should only be overlooked in extreme conditions to help avoid damages.

It should not be done anyhow or casually.

This will help avoid collision and fatalities on the waterway when you are boating.

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