How To Protect Snowmobile Fuel Pump From Damage

Knowing how to protect snowmobile fuel pump from damage is very important.

The fuel pump is one of the components in the snowmobile engine that helps the engine perform well.

To get the best performance out of your snowmobile, you have to learn how to protect it from failure.

You can protect a snowmobile fuel pump from failure by using a good fuel, keeping the fuel tank optimally filled and using the right fuel pump capacity.

This will help in increasing the lifespan of your snowmobile fuel pump.

Also, you will enjoy your snowmobile more as it will perform at a top level.

How To Protect Snowmobile Fuel Pump From Failure

1) Use a Good Fuel

The type of fuel you use in your snowmobile matters a lot.

If you use a contaminated fuel, you risk the longevity of a lot of mechanical components in your snowmobile.

One of these components include the fuel pump in your snowmobile.

When you make use of a good fuel, the fuel pump in your snowmobile will last long.

But when the fuel in your snowmobile fuel tank is bad, it will easily damage the fuel pump.

That is why you must make sure that you use a good fuel at all time.

When a fuel is bad, one of the signs is that it will contain impurities.

As a result of that, it will end up blocking the filter in the fuel pump over time.

Due to this blockage, the fuel pump will not be able to easily release fuel from the output.

This will cause a strain on the fuel pump in the snowmobile which generates heat.

The heat generated will result in the damage of some of the components in the fuel pump.

As a result of this, the snowmobile fuel pump will get spoilt easily.

That is why you should use a good fuel to protect snowmobile fuel pump from damage.

2) Use The Correct Fuel Pump

One of the things you should know about fuel pumps in a snowmobile is that they all come in different capacities.

This is due to the capacity of the snowmobile engine.

That is why you should use the correct capacity to avoid snowmobile losing power when loaded.

A small engine in a snowmobile will have a small fuel pump capacity.

But when it comes to a snowmobile with a larger engine, the capacity of the fuel pump will be higher than that of a small engine snowmobile.

This is because a small snowmobile performs a task that is not as high as that of a big engine.

Due to this, the small engine will require less fuel.

But when it comes to a large engine, the reverse is always the case.

For a large engine to keep up with the power it has to produce, it burns a lot of fuel.

This is made possible by the type of fuel pump that is in the snowmobile.

If you then bring the fuel pump of a small engine snowmobile into a higher capacity engine, it will stress the small fuel pump to death.

This is because the fuel release rate of the small capacity fuel pump will not match the fuel demand of the higher capacity snowmobile engine.

Due to this, the large engine will end up stressing the small fuel pump too much.

With time, the fuel pump will die off due to heat generated from the stress.

3) Conduct Routine Maintenance On Fuel Pump

Performing maintenance on your snowmobile from time to time is very important.

On such occasions, make sure that you check how the fuel pump in the snowmobile is functioning.

This will help protect snowmobile fuel pump from damage.

Also if any issue is discovered, it is very easy to correct before the fuel pump gets bad totally.

4) Maintain Optimal Fuel Level In Tank

Putting stress on your fuel pump when it is working is what you should really avoid at all cost.

Majority of snowmobile users make this mistake without even knowing.

This mistake is when you drive your snowmobile with a very low volume of fuel in the tank.

This will really stress up your snowmobile fuel pump.

When the fuel in the tank of your snowmobile is at an optimum level, it will be able to draw out fuel easily.

But when the volume is low, it will stress itself in order to still supply the engine with fuel.

Such should be avoided as such stress will develop heat in the fuel pump.

This will only end up damaging some parts in the fuel pump which will cause the fuel pump to fail.

That is why you must always make sure that the volume of fuel in your snowmobile tank is at an optimal level.

Before you go on a long distance drive, know the quantity of fuel your snowmobile will likely consume.

After that, make sure that the volume of fuel in the tank will be enough without running empty in the tank.

If not, you can always carry a reserve.

This is to avoid having fuel in your tank too low.

5) Perform Fuel Tank Clean Up

The longer you make use of your snowmobile, the higher the chances of having deposits at the bottom of your fuel tank.

The debris is even higher if you make use of a bad fuel to power your snowmobile.

This is very bad and dangerous to the health of your snowmobile fuel pump and engine.

When you discover a debris in your tank, you have to make sure that you remove it as fast as you can.

 That will really help protect snowmobile fuel pump from failure.

But in doing this, you have to make sure that you are technically skilled to do this in a right way.

If not, you might be causing your snowmobile more harm.

So make sure the type of cleaning agent you make use of will not damage the interior of the snowmobile fuel tank.

If you are not skilled in this, make sure that you use the services of a skilled technician.

That way, you will be able to clean the fuel tank of your snowmobile safely without causing harm.


Driving a snowmobile is always filled with fun.

This is only enjoyed when the mechanical parts are in the right condition.

One of the mechanical parts you should always take care of is the fuel pump in your snowmobile.

Any fault in it will lead to a bad day with your snowmobile.

That is why you should always protect snowmobile fuel pump from damage.

This will guarantee a more enjoyable moment when you make use of your snowmobile.

Further Reading

Why Snowmobile Fuel Pumps Fail

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