Why Evinrude Etec 25Hp Won’t Stay Running And How To Fix It

As you keep making use of your Evinrude outboard motor, you will run into some issues.

One will be when your Evinrude etec 25hp won’t stay running after starting.

When this happens, there are a series of reasons that can lead to this.

Some of the reasons why Evinrude etec 25hp will not stay running is when the fuel pump is bad, bad fuel quality, bad ignition coil, bad spark plug or if the air filter is bad or clogged with dirt.

When any of these happen, then you will have an issue in keeping your outboard motor running effectively.

In this guide, you are going to learn of the possible reasons why a 25 horse power Evinrude outboard motor will not stay running after starting.

Why Evinrude Etec 25Hp Won’t Stay Running After Starting

1) Bad Spark Plugs

Before an outboard motor can function, there are a lot of parts that play a vital role.

A problem with any of these parts will lead to an outboard motor that will not function well.

One of these parts is the spark plug in the outboard motor.

No matter how excellent in condition the other parts of an outboard motor is, if the spark plug is bad, then forget about using your Evinrude outboard motor.

This is how important the spark plug is in the Evinrude outboard motor.

Why it is this important is because for the engine to be able to generate power, it has to burn fuel in the cylinder.

But for this to be possible, a spark has to be created to burn the fuel.

This is where the spark plug comes in.

The spark plug in the outboard motor provides the spark that ignites the fuel in the combustion chamber of the Evinrude outboard motor.

This helps the outboard motor to start and provide the needed power.

But if the spark plug is bad, this will not be possible.

This is one of the reasons why Evinrude etec 25hp won’t stay running after starting.

At worse cases, the engine will not start at all.

2) Insufficient Amount Of Fuel In Combustion Chamber

Before an outboard motor can function well, the engine must be functioning well.

One of the things that helps the engine to function well is the fuel in the outboard motor combustion chamber.

It is the fuel in the combustion chamber that will be burnt to provide a pressure that pushes the piston.

This repetitive pattern helps the engine to produce power.

But for this to be possible, the volume of fuel supplied to the combustion chamber has to be at the optimal volume.

This will lead to an efficient burn.

But If the volume of fuel supplied to the combustion chamber is not enough, then the power produced will be limited.

This will lead to cases in which the engine refuses to start or the Evinrude outboard motor dies after starting.

When this occurs, it is usually a problem in the primer bulb or the fuel pump in the outboard motor.

A problem in these components will lead to limited supply of fuel to the combustion chamber which reduces the efficiency of the outboard motor.

3) Bad Fuel Quality

If you want your outboard motor engine to perform well, you have to watch out for the quality of fuel you use.

If you use a good quality of fuel, then you are going to enjoy a good performance.

Apart from a good performance, your outboard motor will last long.

But if you make use of a bad fuel, then the efficiency of your outboard motor will be greatly reduced.

One of the ways in which this will show up is that your Evinrude etec 25hp won’t stay running after it has started.

This can be due to impurities in the fuel like water and other dissolved solutes.

These impurities affect how easily the fuel can burn in the combustion chamber of the outboard motor.

That is why you have to make sure that you use a good quality fuel as a bad one will affect the longevity of the outboard motor apart from affecting its performance.

4) Bad Air Filter

Air filters are necessary in devices that are easily exposed to environments with bad air.

This includes the urban areas that have a lot of dust in the air.

Allowing such air to mix with fuel in the combustion chamber will be very bad.

That is why the air filter is used in feeding a clean air to the combustion chamber of the outboard motor.

But an air filter is not always seen in a lot of outboard motors.

This is due to the fact that air around water bodies are often much cleaner.

But in some outboards motor, an air filter is still used.

These air filters can cause problems to the performance of the outboard motor when they are not clean.

A dirty air filter will limit the amount of clean air that flows to mix with fuel in the combustion chamber.

This will lead to cases in which the Evinrude etec 25hp shutting down after running or not starting.

5) Low Oil Level

When the engine is in motion, there is always a lot of motion in the cylinder of the engine in a very rapid manner.

This leads to the production of a lot of heat.

Apart from this, the pistons need to be lubricated to avoid damage.

To make this possible, the oil in the outboard motor plays a big role here.

The oil pumped at a certain pressure helps in reducing the heat in the cylinder of the engine.

The oil also helps in the lubrication of the pistons that are moving in the cylinders.

This helps avoid damage of the pistons or the engine.

But if the oil in the outboard motor is low, this can cause performance lag of the outboard motor.

In a lot of cases, the engine will refuse to start or stop running after starting.

So if you are experiencing this sort of problem in your Evinrude, you have to make sure that you check the oil level.

6) Bad Outboard Ignition Coil

For a spark plug to function well, it has to emit thousands of volts.

But this high value of volts is not generated by the spark plug.

Where this comes from Is through the help of the ignition coil in the outboard motor.

The ignition coil in the outboard motor acquires and supercharges the voltage to thousands of voltage before releasing it to the spark plug.

This amount of voltage is what helps the spark plug to burn fuel in the combustion chamber efficiently.

If the ignition coil is bad, then this will affect the performance of the spark plug and the overall performance of the outboard motor.

How To Fix Evinrude Etec 25hp That will Not Stay Running

1) Use Good Spark Plugs

You have to always make sure that the spark plugs in your outboard motor is good.

One way of doing this is by testing them.

This can be done with the use of a multimeter and also by physical examination.

In the physical examination, if you observe that the spark plug thread is dirty, you have to make sure that you wash and clean it well.

This can be done with the use of fuel not water.

But if you discover that the spark plug is totally bad, then you have to make sure that you replace it with a good one.

2) Use a Good Fuel Pump

For your engine to function well, one of the components that should always be in a good working condition is the fuel pump.

If the fuel pump is bad, then your Evinrude etec 25hp won’t stay running after starting.

This is due to the reduced performance caused by low supply of fuel to combustion chamber when the fuel pump is bad.

To solve or avoid this, you have to make sure that you always use a good fuel pump.

3) Use a Good Quality Of Fuel

Irrespective of how good a spark plug is, if the quality of fuel supplied to the combustion chamber is bad, the performance of the engine will be affected.

This is due to the impurities in the fuel.

One of them is water.

If there is water in the fuel you use in your outboard motor, it will limit the burn efficiency in the combustion chamber.

This will reduce the performance of your outboard motor.

In such cases, you will see the outboard motor shutting down after running.

4) Keep Air Filters Clean

If your outboard motor has an air filter, you have to make sure that you keep them clean.

This is due to its function in the performance of the outboard motor.

If the outboard air filter is good, it will allow sufficient amount of filtered air to pass through it to mix with fuel in the combustion chamber.

This will lead to an efficient burn and increase performance.

But if the air filter is clogged with dirt or oil, then the amount of air flowing to the combustion chamber will be limited.

This affects the performance of the outboard motor.

To correct this, the air filter has to be inspected periodically.

If it is dirty, then it has to be well washed to allow free flow of air to the combustion chamber.

5) Change Oil When Due

When it comes to the longevity and performance of your outboard motor, you have to be conscious of timely maintenance.

This usually includes things like oil change if the oil is dirty and needs a change after a specific run duration.

Apart from changing the oil, you have to make sure that the oil level is kept at the optimal level when running the Evinrude outboard motor.

That is why you have to maintain an optimal oil level or change the oil when necessary.

6) Use a Good Ignition Coil

For the spark plug to function well, then the ignition coil has to perform well too.

This is because the ignition coil helps to boost and deliver the voltage the spark plug needs to function well.

If the ignition coil is bad, then the outboard motor will not function well.

This is one of the reasons why Evinrude etec 25hp won’t stay running after starting.

To avoid this, you have to make sure that you use a good ignition coil.

This will help your Evinrude produce a flawless performance.

Further Readings

Common Evinrude Etec Outboard Motor Fuel Pump Problems

Common Evinrude Etec 25 Hp Problems

Evinrude 25 HP Impeller replacement Guide

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