Common Craigcat Boat Problems And Solutions

Craigcat boat is one of the boats you can enjoy when you need an upgrade from a kayak to a boat with an outboard motor that is budget friendly.

But with some craigcat boat problems, some people may start to develop a second thought.

Finding issues on a boat is not just related to the boat produced by craigcat only.

It is kind of a general thing.

But it is always good to know of the issues that is common to a particular boat type.

This is because these issues can be controlled when you are extra cautious.

The problems that is common with craigcat boats will be discussed in this guide.

Craigcat Boat Problems And Solutions

1) Boat Tilts Toward Driver’s Side When Steering

When it comes to the craigcat boat, what you will see is that it has two seats.

That is why it is one of the boats a lot of couples choose when they want to have a great fun time together on water.

It has a great balance when there are two people inside the boat while it is in motion.

But a little imbalance is seen when it is only one person that is driving the craigcat boat.

This defect is more felt if you are turning the boat while on a high acceleration driving alone.

What happens is that you will experience the boat tilt to your side if you are turning towards your side.

This is one of the craigcat boat problems you will likely experience.

This mostly occurs when you are driving alone.

In such an instance, your craigcat boat will not have as much balance as compared to if you were driving the boat with someone else seated on the other seat.

Causes Of This Problem

What makes the craigcat boat tilt to one side when driving is due to weight imbalance on the boat.

The craigcat is designed with two seats on the sides of the boat.

This creates an imbalance in the weight of the boat when it is only one person that is driving the boat.

This gets worse if you are on a high level of acceleration when you are driving the boat alone.

At such point, you will experience a dangerous tilt when you turn the craigcat boat towards your side due to the high acceleration you use while trying to have a sharp turn.

This is because the boat will tilt towards the side where the weight of the boat is high which is the side where you are seated.

That is why it is very important to make sure you have a good weight balance on a boat when you are on the water.


To avoid your craigcat boat tilting to one side when you are driving, what you have to do when driving is to make sure that you balance the weight of the boat well.

You can do this by always driving with a partner when you want to accelerate high.

This will keep both sides of the boat balanced.

When you are turning your craigcat boat, make sure that you reduce the acceleration level.

Also make sure that the turn you make is not too sharp.

Always turn gently to avoid craigcat boat problems like tilting too much to one side.

2) Hard To Steer Problem

Above all the issue that people complain about when using a craigcat boat, the hard to steer problem is what a lot of people have a very bitter experience with.

When this occurs, it makes it hard for the person operating the craigcat boat to easily turn the boat in an effortless way.

This makes your experience with using the craigcat boat lower than the fun part of it you should enjoy.


The hard to steer problem on a craigcat is always due to a mechanical problem that exist on the boat.

If the height of the motor is not optimally positioned, this could make it hard for the steering to easily turn.


Make sure that you position your boat engine on your craigcat boat well to enhance a flawless steering experience.

Make sure that the steering components are well lubricated.

This will avoid rust and also help the steering to move well.

3) Legs Longer Than Space Provided

Driving the craigcat boat can be a lot of fun most of the times.

But if you are too tall, you might want to look elsewhere if you want to enjoy your boating time.

This is due to the leg clearance space that is available on the craigcat boat.

When driving the craigcat boat, you have to assume a position in which you stretch your legs.

But most of the times, this can really be uncomfortable for people that are really tall.

This is due to the barrier that exist on the craigcat boat that limits how far your leg can stretch.

If you are a short person, it will not be an issue.

But if you are someone that is really tall, it could be a bit inconveniencing as you will need to curve your legs to fit into the provided space.

This is bad for efficient blood flow and might make your boating moments stressful instead of being enjoyable.


When your leg cannot fit into the space provided in the craigcat, this is due to the small space that is provided for the leg.

This makes it uncomfortable for people who are really tall to use the craigcat boat efficiently.


If your leg cannot comfortable fit into the space provided in your craigcat boat, it is batter you find an alternative boat to use.

4) Frequent Water Splashing Into The Craigcat Boat

Another common craigcat boat problem has to do with water splashing into the boat when you are driving your boat.

This is even worse when you use craigcat boat in rough water.

That is why it is important to avoid using craigcat boat on a turbulent water.

Turbulent water waves is one of the factors that reduce the chances of a craigcat boat from reaching top speed.

The clearance height of the craigcat boat from the surface of the water to the surface of the boat is really small.

This is one of the limitations of using a craigcat boat.

This is because this will cause water to easily splash into the boat frequently.

This even gets worse when you are driving at a high acceleration.

Also when the water wave is very unstable, it makes it more dangerous to use a craigcat boat in such a water.


The reason why water splashes into the interior of the craigcat boat from outside is due to the height of the boat surface from the surface of the water.

This height is very thin as far as the craigcat boat is concerned.

This makes water to easily splash into the boat.


Make sure that you drive your craigcat on a flat and calm water.

This will reduce the frequency of water splashing into your boat when you drive.

Also, when driving your craigcat boat, make sure that you do not accelerate too much when the water wave is turbulent.


When it comes to craigcat boat problems, one thing you should know is that a lot of them can be avoided when you are a careful and safety conscious boat operator.

This includes things like avoiding making a sharp turn when you are driving at a high acceleration.

Also avoid using craigcat boats on waters that are too turbulent.

This will reduce the level of water splashing into your boat due to its low surface clearance of the boat from the water.

Further Reading

Outboard Motor Fire Causes

How To Prevent Falling Overboard a Boat

Leading Cause Of Death When Boat Accident Occurs In Florida

Common Issues With Lake Reaper Bait Boats

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