When you observe that your snowmobile has no spark, knowing how to remedy such a situation will help a lot.
That is why it is important to know how to fix no spark in a snowmobile problem when you encounter it.
To fix a weak or no spark in a snowmobile, you have to change the spark plug to a good one, use a good spark plug cap, use a good ignition coil and also make sure that the stator and the CDI box are in a good condition.
These components will help your snowmobile achieve a good spark to help produce power from the snowmobile engine.
How To Fix Weak Or No Spark In Snowmobile Engine
1) Use a Good Spark Plug
When it comes to the production of spark in a snowmobile, one of the vital components that help in achieving this is the spark plug.
The spark plug is connected to the cylinder of a snowmobile.
Its duty is to help produce spark that will help ignite the fuel in the cylinder of the snowmobile.
When there is a good spark, the fuel is easily burnt and this helps produce the needed power from the engine.
But sometimes there might be no spark from the spark plug.
This can be caused by a lot of faulty components.
In a lot of times when this happens, it is always due to the condition of the spark plug.
When the spark plug in the snowmobile is in a bad condition, it will produce a weak spark.
In worse cases, there will be no spark produced from the bad spark plug.
When this occurs, the snowmobile will not be able to function.
To solve a problem like this, what you have to do is to make sure that you change the bad spark plug in the snowmobile to a good one.
This will help produce a spark from the spark plug when you switch on the snowmobile from the pull start or the electric starter.
2) Use a Good Spark Plug Cap
Sometimes a spark plug may not be able to produce a spark not because the spark plug is bad.
One of the things that causes this is when the component that delivers the electric charge to the spark plug is bad.
When this happens, the electric charge that is meant to help the spark plug produce a spark will be unavailable.
One of the snowmobile components that causes this is a bad spark plug cap.
The spark plug cap is the component that delivers the charge to the snowmobile spark plug from the highly charged ignition coil.
When the plug cap is bad, it will not be able to deliver this charge to the spark plug.
Due to this, the spark plug in the snowmobile will not be able to produce a spark.
This can occur if the plug cap is loosely fitted to the head of the spark plug or if it has a crack.
To fix this problem, you have to make sure that you replace the spark plug cap with a new one.
Make sure that the new one fits tightly to the head of the spark plug to help form a firm grip.
This will easily help transfer the charge from the ignition coil to the spark plug well.
3) Use a Good Ignition Coil
One of the ways on how to fix a no spark in a snowmobile is to check the working condition of the ignition coil in the snowmobile.
The ignition coil in a snowmobile is a very important component in the snowmobile that helps produce an efficient spark in the snowmobile.
If it is bad, the snowmobile will produce a weak spark or no spark at all.
This is because the ignition coil is like a transformer for the charge that is being delivered to the spark plug through the spark plug cap.
When the ignition coil receives a charge, what it does is that it help boost the charge to a higher magnitude.
This is what helps the spark plug to spark well and easily ignite the fuel in the cylinder of the snowmobile.
When the ignition coil in the snowmobile gets bad, the spark plug will be receiving a very weak charge.
Due to this, the spark plug will also produce a weak spark.
In worse cases, the spark plug will produce no spark.
To correct this, you have to change the ignition coil to a good one.
This will help deliver the needed amount of charge to the spark plug.
This is one of the ways on how to fix weak spark in snowmobile easily when it occurs.
4) Make Sure The Stator Is Working Well
The stator of a snowmobile is a very important component of the snowmobile.
It is the component that produces electric charge in a snowmobile.
Since producing a spark from the spark plug is highly dependent on the electric charge produced in the snowmobile, the stator plays a big role concerning spark in snowmobile.
The stator helps send electric charge to the ignition coil before it reaches the spark plug.
If the stator in the snowmobile gets bad, this will affect the production of spark in the snowmobile.
That is why the stator has to be tested when there is no spark in the snowmobile.
If the stator is found to be bad, it has to be changed in order to help the snowmobile to produce a spark.
5) Use a Good CDI Box
The CDI box helps in storing electric charge in the capacitors.
This charge is later released to the ignition coil for it to be super charged before it is sent to the spark plug.
Due to the role that the CDI box plays, the ignition coil in the snowmobile may have a problem in sending out an efficient charge to the spark plug.
That is why the CDI box has to be checked when there is a weak spark in the snowmobile.
If you discover that the CDI box in the snowmobile is bad, you have to make sure that you change the CDI box.
This is one of the ways on how to fix no spark in snowmobile.
This will help the snowmobile produce an efficient magnitude of charge to help the cylinders in the snowmobile produce the needed power.
Further Readings
Troubleshooting Faulty Snowmobile Hand Warmer